EMMD - Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials and Devices

EMMD (Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials and Devices) research activities are devoted to molecular materials, from molecules to materials and from materials to devices. Electrochemical techniques are used to synthesize, to immobilize and to detect chemical or biological species. The synthetic aspect relates to the synthesis and functionalization of macrocycles (porphyrins, phthalocyanines…) and polymers. The analytical aspect 1) exploits the redox properties of compounds or sensitive layers (biomaterials, conducting polymers, charge-transfer complexes, …) for the characterization and the detection of biomolecules or chemical pollutants in sensor devices; 2) to apprehend reaction mechanism of molecular processes. Our projects are focused on applications in the fields of environment, health and food industry.

BODIO Ewen Voir la fiche profil en français Français (FR)

  • BODIO Ewen
  • Statut : Full-Professor
  • Team : OCS
  • Function : Researchers
  • Second team : Search support
  • Function in second team : Technical and IT staff
  • Tags : Bio(in)organic chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Molecular imaging, Synthetic chemistry
  • Address :

    ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
    Bât. MIRANDE - Bureau B220
    9 Avenue Alain Savary
    21000 Dijon – France

  • Tél : (+33) 380 396 076
  • ewen.bodio@u-bourgogne.fr

Since 2019  Full Professor ICMUB
(Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université de Bourgogne UMR CNRS 6302)
P.I. of metal-based theranostics axis and co-P.I. of aza-BODIPYs axis
Main project: Design of theranostics, bimodal probes, near-infrared optical probes for applications in in vitro and in vivo medicine.
Main fields of expertise: organic chemistry, coordination chemistry, bioinorganic, medical imaging (optical, PET, SPECT), catalysis  

2010-2019  Assistant Professor ICMUB
Group P.I.: Prof. Pierre Le Gendre
Organic and organometallic synthesis applied to medical imaging, therapy, and catalysis

2009-2010  Postdoctoral position (ERC grant) School of Chemistry, Trinity College 
University of Dublin, Ireland
Supervisor: Prof. Stephen Connon
Organocatalysis, amines kinectic resolution, and design of artificial enzyme

2006-2009  PhD (CNRS grant) CEISAM Lab
(Chimie Et Interdisciplinéarité: Synthèse, Analyse, Modélisation), UMR CNRS 6230 of Université de Nantes, France
Supervisor: Prof. David Deniaud – Co-supervisor: Dr Karine Julienne
Synthesis of « N2S2 » / « N4 » chelating agents for nuclear medicine applications

2005-2006  Master in Biomolecular Engineering - Montpellier (UMII), France

2003-2006  « Ingénieur en Chimie » - ENSIACET, Toulouse, France
Specialization in advanced organic chemistry at ENSCM, Montpellier, France


Projects as Principal Investigator (or co-P.I.)

- Lipid derivatives against obesity 2023 (financement EktaH® ≈ 30 k€ + demande de CIFRE)
- FluoNIR-II 2022 (maturation contract for start-up creation – 260 k€)
- ANR PRC 2021 “MAP” (Metal azaDIPY probe – 520 k€)
- ANER 2020 “AZTHEC” (Metal-based aza-BODIPY – 129 k€)
- ANR JCJC 2016 “SPID” (Smart Probe for Imaging metal-based Drugs – 230 k€)
- PARI II – 3-p2 (metal-based theranostics – 75 k€)
- BQR PRESS (biosourced theranostics – 15 k€)
- projet INFIniTI – CNRS SIIM (theoretical study of smart probes – 3 k€)
- 3 JCE/ICE PhD program (young researcher-entrepreneur – 3x 99 k€)
- PARI p5 subproject of 3MIM program (Trackable metal-based therapeutics – 180 k€)
- “bioinorganic and medicinal chemistry” theme of the ICMUB - “Health axis” of OCS Team

+ Several other projects as WP leader or participant

H index = 23 
(google scholar)
Type of publications published
Articles 47 (29)*
Reviews and book chapters 7 (5)*
Intellectual property 4 (2)*
Proceedings 5
Total 63 (36)*
* as corresponding author

Last Publications 

Tailored hyaluronic acid-based nanogels as theranostic boron delivery systems for boron neutron cancer therapy
Coninx, S., Kalot, G., Godard, A., Bodio, E., Goze, C., Sancey, L., Auzely-Velty, R.*
Int. J. Pharm.: X, 2022, 4, 100134

Phenoxy-Amidine Ligands: Toward Lactic Acid-Tolerant Catalysts for Lactide Ring-Opening Polymerization

Vaillant-Coindard, V., Theron, B., Printz, G., Chotard, F., Balan, C., Rousselin, Y., Richard, P., Tolbatov, I., Fleurat-Lessard, P., Bodio, E., Malacea-Kabbara, R.,* Bayardon, J., Dagorne, S.,* Le Gendre, P.*
Organometallics, 2022, 41(21), 2920-2932

Al(III) and Ga(III) Bisphenolate Azadipyrromethene-Based "N2O2" Complexes as Efficient NIR-Fluorophores
Godard, A., Galan, L. A., Rouillon, J., Al Shehimy, S., Tajani, W., Cave, C., Malacea-Kabbara, R., Rousselin, Y., Le Gendre, P., Fihey, A., Bendellaa, M., Busser, B., Sancey, L., Le Guennic, B., Bucher, C., Maury, O., Goze, C., Bodio, E.*
Inorg. Chem., 2022, asap

Couverture Synthesis, in vivo Investigations, Conception and Evaluation of Fluorescent Phosphine-Gold Complexes
Rousselle, B., Massot, A., Privat, M., Dondaine, L., Trommenschlager, A., Bouyer, F., Bayardon, J., Ghiringhelli, F., Bettaieb, A., Goze, C., Paul, C., Malacea-Kabbara, R.,* Bodio, E.*
ChemMedChem, 2022, 17(11), e202100773

Lipoprotein interactions with water-soluble NIR-II emitting aza-BODIPYs boost the fluorescence signal and favor selective tumor targeting
Kalot, G., Godard, A., Busser, B., Bendellaa, M., Dalonneau, F., Paul, C., Le Guevel, X., Josserand, V., Coll, J.-L., Denat, F., Bodio, E., Goze, C., Gautier, T., Sancey, L.*
Biomaterials Science, 2022, 10(21), 6315-6325

Recent patents

Sancey, L., Goze, C., Bodio, E., Busser, B., Pliquett, J., Godard, A., Kalot, G., Josserand, V., Le Guével, X., Coll, J.L., Denat, F.
Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, INSERM, Univ. de Bourgogne
Eur. Pat. Appl. (2021), EP 3772528 A1 20210210
PCT Int. Appl. (2021), WO 2021023731 A1 20210211
US Patent App. (2022), 17/633,610, 2022


Types Total International
Invited lecture 1 1
Oral com’ 23 5
Seminars 7 1
Posters 16 8
Total 47 15
**Communications as presenter

2010 - ... > 230 h/year (CM/TD/TP – L3/M1/M2) / 2022-2023 (≈ 260 h)
- organic chemistry (retrosynthesis, total synthesis...) [bachelor/Master]
- Spectroscopic methods [Bachelor/Master]
- Molecular imaging [Master]
- Theranostics [Master]
- Environnemental analyses [Master]
- Project management [Master]

Teaching Responsabilities
2019 - ... Head of international Molecular Chemistry Master
2019 - ... M1 Innovative Drugs pedagogical advisor (molecular chemistry)
2017 - ... Co-leader of double degree with UCT Prague
2016 - ... Head of T2MC Master Specialty (Transition Metal in Molecular Chemistry)
2013 - ... Creation of an international master in imaging (Master LipTherapy)

Project management
P.I. of the I-site Master international Molecular Chemistry project
P.I. of PIA 3 - RITM-BFC project on pedagogical innovation
Co-leader of the project I-SITE “strengthened bachelor”
WP leader of the Graduate school UBFC Integrate
WP leader of the I-site Master international Innovative Drugs project

Administratives Responsabilities

2022 - ...   Member of “bureau de la commission de proposition section 31-32-33 de l’uB”
2020 - 21  Member of CNRS National committee « chemistry for life sciences » - section 16
2017 - ...   Communication manager of ICMUB
2014 - ...   IT advisor of the ICMUB
2012 - 19  Committee Member of Scientific council of ICMUB